This experimental documentary film was made as part of the studies at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Art and Design in Pilsen and features 4 different personalities. David, a young ambitious entrepreneur, Peter, an HIV positive man, Arpad, an elderly man living in seclusion and Radka, a demi-soloist of the National Ballet. They don't know each other, nor have they ever met. In the film, their lives intersect with their views and attitudes towards society and life.
It's time to deal with reality, it's hard to be human.
The film Dis-position received the Director's Award of the School of the Institute of Art and Design Ladislav Sutnar
This experimental documentary film was made as part of the studies at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Art and Design in Pilsen and features 4 different personalities. David, a young ambitious entrepreneur, Peter, an HIV positive man, Arpad, an elderly man living in seclusion and Radka, a demi-soloist of the National Ballet. They don't know each other, nor have they ever met. In the film, their lives intersect with their views and attitudes towards society and life.
It's time to deal with reality, it's hard to be human.
The film Dis-position received the Director's Award of the School of the Institute of Art and Design Ladislav Sutnar
Experimentální dokumentární film vznikl v rámci studia na fakultě umění a designu Ladislava Sutnara v Plzni, představuje 4 různé osobnosti. Mladého ambiciozního podnikatele Davida, HIV pozitivního Petra, postaršího Arpáda, žijícího na samotě a Radku, demi-sólistku Národního baletu. Navzájem se neznají, ani se nikdy nepotkali. Ve filmu se jejich životy protínají s jejich názory a přístupy ke společnosti a životu.
Je čas zabývat se realitou, je těžké být člověkem.
Film Dis-pozice dostal Cenu ředitele školy Ústavu umění a designu Ladislava Sutnara